

You will need PostgreSQL including PostGIS. This project will not work with anything else.

#ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt install postgresql-10 postgresql-10-postgis-scripts
#ubuntu 20.04
sudo apt install postgresql-12 postgresql-12-postgis-3-scripts

# creation of the relevant database with extension
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER landmatrix WITH PASSWORD 'landmatrix'"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE landmatrix WITH OWNER landmatrix"
sudo -u postgres psql landmatrix -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis"

At the moment you also still need ElasticSearch Version 5 - this will hopefully be deprecated by the end of 2020.


To install the requirements into a virtual environment this project uses Poetry. Either just run pip3 install --user poetry or see poetry's alternative installation methods.

Once you have poetry, install the virtual environment and the dependencies:

poetry install


Get npm; just follow

Custom settings via .env

Any kind of settings you need to set for your system should happen in the .env file. Usually you should not have to edit files in settings/.

cp .env.example .env
$EDITOR .env  # make changes fitting your host system

Create the basic structure

poetry run doit initial_setup

Check the file and the pydoit documentation to see what happens here.

Management commands

Jobs that are run regularly using cron:

  • python populate_activities: populates the activities with common used attributes
  • python update_elasticsearch: Updates all documents within the elasticsearch index.
    It is recommended to run populate_activities before.

Other jobs:

  • python check_export: checks if the given export file (XLSX) has any errors (for internal QA)
  • python get_not_public_reason: checks why deal is not public
  • python load_country_geometries: populates the countries with shape geometries (from
  • python populate_countries: populates the country bounding boxes for zooming in the map.